Tirada sin aroma del B&M Diamond

He recibido el siguiente correo de B&M. Los que habéis comprado el jabón con la nueva base notáis falta de perfume?

Hi everyone. It seems that we made a mistake.
Some of you may have noticed that the scent of Diamond soap seemed different this year from past releases. There’s a really unfortunate reason for that: One of the initial production batches of Diamond soap this year was made without any fragrance and made it out into the wild.

Here’s what we’re going to do about it:

If you received a soap in which you can only smell earthy pretzels, without any grass, caramel, popcorn, pine, etc., or that smells radically different from a previous jar that you owned or smelled, please email us with your name and mailing address and we will ship you a replacement. So far as we know, 74 of these jars exist, plus the soap samples that were offered by Maggard Razors. There is no need to return the defective jars to us.
If you received a sample from Maggard, please contact them directly for a replacement. We’re working to replace their entire stock of soap samples in order to rectify the entire issue all at once.
Our apologies for allowing the batch to get through QA; thanks for allowing us to make it right. If you have any questions at all, please let us know.


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Me interesa ver si a Will de B&M lo despellejan como a Mohammad de Grooming Dept

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Parece ser que ha sido una tanda de jabones que ha vendido B&M directamente en su web y también afecta a las muestras vendidas en Maggard.
Los jabones enteros vendidos por Maggard no están afectados, en principio. Al menos el mío ha venido bien.

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El que me ha venido a mí tiene un olor curioso. Leí la revisión de Rafa y me qué más tranquilo. Veremos al espumarlo. Lo compré también en Maggard.

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Termino de recibir un mensaje de Maggard diciendo que me envían un jabón nuevo. La verdad es que la atención de esta tienda es muy buena.

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¿Te pusiste en contacto con ellos o te lo han enviado porque sí? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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Les envíe un mensaje preguntando sobre la situación. Me respondieron una primera vez diciendo:

CitaWe will be re-shipping you a sample within the next ~10 days. B&M is going to be sending us new stock and we will ship them as quickly as we can make them. You do not need to do anything; we’re shipping all 99 samples that we sold from release thru April 21. Thanks and sorry about this.

Así me quedé tranquilo. Por la tarde me enviaron un nuevo mensaje comunicando que me enviaban un nuevo jabón. Entiendo que no saben bien cuál es el alcance total del fallo.

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